
Friday, 23 November 2018

Secret Mission.

Last week Friday, each student in my science class was given a 'Secret Mission'. My secret mission was to fall down and pretend I had broken my ankle, and see how quick the crowd would react. I failed. I did it in front of my family, but no one reacted. So I think next time I would work on my acting :) They just all laughed, so, yeah.

Friday, 16 November 2018

Last week Thursday we started year 10 jumpstart. Since then, I've had six periods with Mrs Well in S3. Within those six periods, I've learnt about 'Parakuihi and Hauora' ( Breakfast and Well-Being), A few science investigations, Nutrients, and other stuff. My tutor class 9RMz was picked to be part of this 'Integrated Learning Unit'. We're learning about 'Pakuihi and Hauora'. We learn it in six different classes: Health, P.E, Science, Maths, Food Tech, and Social Studies.